Immortal Episode
Bringing Up Women to Be Masters of Factory
The following happened when Chairman Kim Jong Il gave field guidance at a factory.
While looking round the factory, he expressed satisfaction saying that it was very good that women were participating in production and various sports and cultural activities as the masters of the factory.
And he continued that it was laudable that the general manager had worked at the factory all her life true to the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung’s instruction.
Hearing him, the official was quite moved.
She looked back upon those days when she had grown up to be the general manager and was awarded the title of Labor Hero under the care love and trust of Kim Jong Il.
After a short while, Kim Jong Il told her that she should train the women employees as more dependable masters of the factory and demonstrate the factory’s honor as a model women’s factory.
That day Kim Jong Il posed for a photo with the factory’s officials and workers.
To look back, Kim Jong Il had put forward women as the masters of the factory and country and led them to glorify their life as a powerful force that turns one of the two wheels of the revolution.
Looking up to him, the officials and workers of the factory made a firm pledge to remain infinitely faithful to his leadership.
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